ASNT FALL CONFERENCE 2019, ЛАС-ВЕГАС, США, СТЕНД 305, 18.-21.11.2019

STARMANS electronics, s.r.o. invites You to our stand No.305 in ASNT Fall Conference, Las Vegas, USA, 18.-21.11.2019,

where You can meet us and discuss with us our NDT solutions

This participation is supported within the framework of the EU Project Marketing Support at STARMANS electronics, s.r.o., CZ.01.2.111/0.0/0.0/18_167/0013301 Operational Program Enterprise and Innovations for Competitiveness.

Pls. see our websites for many NDT industrial technics



DIO 3000 telemetric station (in various designs) is used to monitor the operating states of individual stations where the physical quantities are monitored, by type:
1) on-line monitoring
2) off line ?? on call, dial-up, can serve as a recording ??black box??, archiving of operational records
3) monitoring of alarm operating states ?? in case of buckling or failure, when exceeding set indicators or statistical quantities

Telemetry solutions ?? applications:

?? gas industry

?? water supply ?? monitoring of water and sludge pumps, water distribution systems (temperature, pressure, flow measurement)
?? power engineering ?? monitoring of turbines, transformers, traction rectifier station, monitoring of operating parameters, current, isolation states, overvoltage peak monitoring

?? Connect to a web browser via Internet of Things (IoT), dial-up
lines, SMS, IEC online data transfer protocol
?? Option to connect to Tablet (Setting, Monitoring)
?? Long lasting calibration period up to 6 years
?? Extended power consumption during power failure ?? The ??Notebook??
version, which acts as a back-up data, keeps a data for up to 6 years
?? The station works with a back-up source without the need for an external
power supply
?? Many types of sensors and wireless solutions to customer requirements
?? Possibility of recharge from battery or solar cells
?? Tested for explosive environment
?? Proven technology ?? more than 400 instalation, error-free operation
?? Equipment life of more than 10 years

The telemetric station Dio 3000 for turbines is the complex industrial system used for data acquisition from sensors
placed at important places at Turbines. It is suitable for monitoring correct positioning of shaft, vibration and
torsion of shaft, axial and radial displacement of the rotor, blades deflections, all in absolute and relative values. The
graphic colored display assures the possibility to observe on the spot the time records of all acquired signals in the
same way as directly on the recording instrument without using further additional accessories.


For many purposes in measurement improvement we can use Silicone carbide supply technochnology, developed ourselves:

Power electronics – presentation of STARMANS Silicone carbide POWER SOLUTION:

1) SiC traction inverter for: tram, bus, metro, rail

2) MODULLAR EV CHARGER (high performance, high efficiency, with sinus filter)

Modular concept:

Input HV power line 6kV, 22kV

Output Power 70-120-160kW

Output Voltage 400-700-900-1200